RUBS Billing Method

Apartments in Raleigh

RUBS Billing is not permitted in North Carolina.
RUBS stands for Ratio Utility Billing System and is not permitted in Raleigh, North Carolina. Submetering is a more accurate method of recovering utility expenses and is permitted in Raleigh with some restrictions. Submetering in Raleigh, North Carolina requires certification with NCUC prior to billing and limits the billing fee at $3.75 per unit.

What is Submetering?

Submetering involves the installation of equipment to measure and bill each unit’s water/sewer, gas, and electric use. Submetering has been used since it was invented in the early 1920’s.

What are the benefits of Submetering?

When a property takes advantage of submetering, it raises consumer awareness, users work harder to conserve, therefore reducing overall consumption dramatically. We typically see around 30% water savings. The real estate owner is able to save money since the tenants pay for the water they used. Common area water usage can be accurately measured and billed accordingly. The return on the investment is usually seen within 12 months.

What type of real estate is Submetered?

Only three types of housing may be submetered in North Carolina; Residential, Retail, and Student. Each has unique regulations that Submetering companies and landlords must follow. National Exemption Service (NES) was involved in the development of several regulations in this state. If landlords plan on Submetering in North Carolina, extensive filing for approval is required. NES has experts on staff to guide landlords through this daunting process.

How important are Submetering regulations?

Submetering regulations are very important. The laws and regulations regarding submetering multi-family properties change frequently. If you plan on Submetering your own real estate, we highly recommend staying up-to-date with the latest regulations.

Submetering Regulations in Raleigh

  • All submetering of over 14 units is regulated by the North Carolina Utility Commission (NCUC) with the exception of condominiums.
  • North Carolina has maximum billing fees allowed
  • North Carolina does not allow for late fees to be charged
  • North Carolina does not allow for “move-in” fees to be assessed
  • Most importantly landlords must file with the NCUC and be approved prior to billing residents

About NES

NES is American owned and operated by its founder since 1988. Submetering and RUBS has changed over the years, but our commitment to our clients has not. NES continues to service clients around the country and provide the best service at competitive prices. NES also offers leak detection services and utility expense management for an additional fee.

Do you manage a property with 100 units or more?

Get a free Submetering quote and learn how much you could save.

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